Rude of the Turks

"𝕯𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖞, 𝕴'𝖑𝖑 𝖉𝖔 𝖒𝖞 𝖏𝖔𝖇."

Third in command to the Turks, and loyal employee to Rufus Shinra

Personal information.

Information on Rude's background.



Mun and Rules

General Mun rules and a little about the Mun.

Personal information

Before joining the Turks: His given birth name is Matteo. His last name is still unknown. Some speculate it to be Rude. Matteo was an only child for most of his life. As far as he was aware, he is the only child his parents had. This could change. His parents didn't want the responsibility of dealing with Matteo and decided to give custody to his Aunt and Uncle in Midgar. It is rumoured soon after their departure, the parents passed away. His aunt and uncle at the time were working for Avalanche. He had many cousins growing up, but none of them seemed to like Matteo. He grew up lonely, and was constantly bullied by his other peers, and was treated as the housemaid during these times. Because the family was poor, Matteo became the thief and the bread winner. He started cock fighting, where rich older man would make young poor boys fight against each other in order to win a little bit of money or something to eat. The boy soon got very good at fighting with his fists and understood how to steal off someone without getting caught.

Sometime in his teen years, Matteo came out as bisexual to his family. This did not go over well, and he found himself being shunned rather quickly.

When Matteo was 15, a man named Veld caught him thieving off the store keeper. Rather then turn him in, the man paid for the stolen goods and offered Matteo a job. He could tell the boy was poor and needed help. Matteo quickly agreed as it would earn him a lot of money he could send back to his family.

During his recruitment into the Turks: Matteo was taught how to fight and he mostly trained with a boy named Reno. The two quickly became best friends and have been together ever since.

Rude met the other Turks quickly after and at first, wasn't fond of Rufus Shinra. After a few months he changed his mind and started to admire the boy and become loyal to him.

Upon joining the Turks, Rude changed his name from Matteo to Rude. Veld had let him know not to tell the others of his real name. Only the Turks and Veld, know Rude birth given name. After entering the Turks, he tried to send money home and go back to visit only to find he was not welcomed after joining Shinra. This time, he was not shunned but disowned and outcasted. This of course did not stop Rude from returning once a year to give them money, and a gift. Each time he returned he was shown the door, and had it slammed in his face. He has no idea if they accept the money or the gifts to this day. He never gets a cent back, so he can only assume they do.

During his Turk era: During his time with the Turks, when he was about 21, he started to fall for a young lady named Amelia Vex. The two soon started going on dates and before long, feel for the other. Many passionate nights later, and Amelia ended up pregnant with Rude's first born child.

Unfortunately for the young couple, Amelia worked for Avalanche, and President Shinra, Rufus's father, found out about their affair. He had Amelia locked away and tormented her for months, and hid her from Rude making it so he could do nothing to help the women he loved and the child she bore. The President was outraged when he found out about the child and asked Hojo to exterminate the pregnancy. And as far as Rude knows, Hojo agreed. After Amelia lost the baby, the President saw no need for her and left her to die. Amelia, getting no help for the many wounds she suffered during her time at Shinra, died soon after. Rude eventually found her, but he was only able to find her broken body, and what was left of her. He was far too late to save her or the child. Something he never forgave himself for. To this day, he refuses to have another child of his own or fall in love. He couldn't stand the thought of someone else being hurt. It was at this time, he stopped being loyal to Shinra, and started only being loyal to his fellow Turks and Rufus. Rufus at the time, had ordered all the Turks to help search for Amelia, but were never able to help her.

It was shortly after this, Rude shaved his head and vowed never to grow it again. His personality did a complete 180 and he became the serious and stern man everyone knows now. He used to love his hair because Amelia did, but now that she was gone, he grew to hate it and saw it as a constant reminder of his failures and short comings.

To this day, Rude still has night terrors about his childhood and what happened to that women all those years ago.

When Rude turned 25, he was sent on a mission with Reno to take out an Avalanche base. Unknowing to him, his aunt and uncle were in charge of this particular base. A fight ensured with the base, and two shadows snuck up on Rude trying to kill him. Rude was able to kill them in time but soon found as soon as the sun came up, he had killed his aunt and uncle. Guilt stricken and broken once again, he took a few weeks off of work. He was never able to forgive himself and never went to see his cousins again. He only sent them money at this time.

At the time of the Plate fall: At first, Rude didn't realize how much devastation and pain he had caused. Not until he went back to clean up any staggers only to find children, crying over the bodies of their dead parents. This caused another guilt episode and Rude could no longer feel like he could do Turk work. It wasn't until Rufus started to agree they needed to atone for what they had done, did Rude really start to help the people in the slums. He has never forgiven himself for the damage he caused, and the families he tore apart. And he never will.


Cessnei: A good friend of Rude and a trust partner. They often go on portal together.

Rude's boss and friend. Someone Rude would consider family. Although in name, Rufus is his boss, the two treat each other more like old-time friends than employee and employer. Rude would take a bullet for the man and is extremely loyal to him. Rufus helped Rude in his time of need when things happened with Amelia, and he was there for him after the death.

Rude had a hand in the assassination against President Shinra, both the attempt and the actual killing. He still feels guilty that he had to go alone. He was ecstatic (although he never showed it) when Rufus took over as President.

Delilah Morrow @NightshadesDebt: One of Rude's very good friends. He considers her both a friend and apart of the family, especially now that she is engaged to Rufus. He will often listen to her when she rambles on about Rufus, go shopping with her, and wine tasting with her.

@Splinterhonor: Tseng is a good friend to Rude and he considers the man family. He enjoys their discussions and coffee outings.

Zack @lamentedlegacy: The two became friends against all odds, and usually spar with each other.

Roche: Rude barely runs into the man but when he does, he makes sure to say hi and ask how things are going.

Ai Mithras @outofmypaygrade: A very good friend of Rude's. The two often work out together, shop when she needs to pay someone a gift, or just go to the spa. Ai often listens to Rude complain about the stress at work. And Rude listens to Ai when she needs to vent.

Reno @fallenikros: Rude and Reno have been best friends since they were teenagers. Rude fully supports the relationship between Sephiroth and Reno, but will kick Sephiroth's ass if he hurts Reno. One of the only people who know about Amelia and Rude's childhood.

@RenoBaTurk: The two often get up to shenanigans together and will pull pranks on the other. They have been best friends since childhood.

@Reno_Nix: Rude will try and set up for dating sites and get him to listen to what he has to say. The two often drink together and complain about work. They have been best friends since a young age.

LucasRValentine: A semi friend of Rude. He still isn't sure if he trusts the man yet. But he would protect him if his life was in danger.

Hojo @MedicusHojo @ZealousSage: The slimey bastard man that Rude seems to hate. He barely likes interacting with the man and will only do it if he has no other choice.

@DirectorTseng: The two are good friends, and Rude considers him family..

Virgil @publicrelaito: The two are familiar with each other and are slowly becoming friends.

Kai Macca @Monster_Weeaboo: The two had started to become close and Rude often helps her out with training when she needs it.

@Tsengoftheturks: They were having a drink one night and ended up sleeping together. They are dating but neither will admit it. They go on dates and such. Tseng is allowed to touch Rude's sunglasses and is one of the only people that has seen his eyes on the regular. But he still won't admit feelings for the man.

@DirectorTuesti: The director oddly became a friend to Rude. They met by chance at an event and started to become good friends. Rude rather enjoys the man's company.

Yufi @YuffieKiscragi and @WuatiWhiteRose: The two met in the slums and from there became drinking buddies. They soon started to become good friends despite the fact they were suppose to be enemies.

Biggs @ShrewAvalanche: The two are suppose to be enemies and Rude tries to teach Biggs as one. Although he can't help when they flirt at times.

@Bellumigns: The two are friends and will spar together on occasion. Rude tends to try not to, as he usually gets his ass beaten every time.

@turkanviva: Rude and Anviva became quick friends after going on a couple missions together. They often will drink together and dance at events.

Alina Devee @AlleyKatDevee: The two are good friends now and Rude is now the godfather of her unborn child. The two will often meet up for lunch outings and Rude enjoys her company. She is one of the only people Rude has opened up to about Amelia.

Cloud: He has had a few run ins with the man. He doesn't hate him like Reno does, but he does like to poke fun at him when he can.

Sephiroth: Rude is neutral with the man and will make sure he does his job right. Although for the most part, he tries to stay out of the others way.

Mun rules and information

Hi, my name is Avila but you can call me Vil or Vivi. I have been rping for 10 plus years and have loved final fantasy as a whole since I was but a small child. I am pretty friendly and like to rp with all different kinds of people.

Please note, any sort of drama is automatic block. Not dealing with that.

I will be a bit slow to reply at times so have some patience! Only poke me or nudge me to remind me to reply if I haven't replies for a solid week.

My dms are always open if you would like to plot or chat, however I will not under any situation rp or chat with anyone under the age of 18.

If something I do bothers you, just tell me and we can chat about it and try to fix the situation.

I do nsfw but I do not do it on the tl. I generally do ship Rude as well and he is mulitship so keep that in mind if you are a single ship. It does take a lot of chemistry to be friends with benefits, ship with him or even just be friends with him. Don't expect him to befriend you right off the bat.

My out look of Rude is pretty dark, so if this bothers you please do not rp with me.

I will write in Spanish, English, and Dutch. If you need or want to write in either Spanish or Dutch, either start the interaction in one of these languages or tell me. I am not a mind reader.